Posted Tuesday 01 Feb 2022
We're gathering up the next round of data and asking you to take the time to complete this new survey for people who work in post-production*.
It's a significant piece of data collection essential for identifying the facts behind Aotearoa New Zealand's screen industry gender pay gap.
As an added incentive on completion of the survey you may opt in for the chance to win one of two mixed cases of wine, or one of three tickets to the 2022 WIFT Awards!
*This particular survey is for all people working in post-production. In addition to the traditional roles, this includes animation, AR/VR, VFX, gaming and so forth across the digital spectrum. There will be one more survey, for above the line, writers, producers, directors.
Click here to take the post-production survey
If you're in production and haven't completed the production survey here's the link to it.