Calling all wahine! The NZ Film Commission wants to help you pick up the pace on your first-time feature and develop skills vital for a successful film career.
The Ramai Hayward Wahine M?ori Directors' Scholarship acknowledges the legacy and outstanding contribution of pioneering M?ori filmmaker Ramai Hayward (pictured).
The aim of this scholarship is to support wahine M?ori first-time feature film directors to progress their projects to a market-ready state, and assist with securing a producer and production finance in the future.
The scholarship is a total of up to $50,000 to be provided as a grant that will fund a programme of tailored support for the recipient(s). This scholarship may be shared by more than one recipient.
Born in 1916, Patricia Rongomaitara "Ramai" Hayward (Ng?i Tahu, Ng?ti Kahungunu) was New Zealand's first M?ori filmmaker, working as an actor, camerawoman, director and scriptwriter from the 1930s, through to her death in 2014. Her career took her to Australia, Albania, the UK and China, where she and her husband, Rudall Hayward, made the first English language films after the Communist revolution.
Applications close at 9am on April 28 2017. Find out more and get applying!