Canadian Co Production Event

Posted Monday 02 Mar 2015

Calling all producers with a Canadian project or interest in Canadian Co-production. On March 13 at 12.30 you are invited to a table ronde moderated by WIFT board member Robin Laing with Josette D. Normandeau producer of Canadian French Co Pro Apocalypse WW1. Josette is a special guest at the French Film Festival. This will be followed by a networking event at the NZFC focusing on Canadian productions

Table Ronde: Friday 13 March at 12.30 pm, Alliance Francaise Wellington.

Level 3, Dominion Building, 78 Victoria Street, Wellington.

Attendance at the table ronde is on a first come basis.

NZFC Event: Friday 13 March following the table ronde,

NZFC, Level 3, 119 Ghuznee Street, Wellington.

PLEASE NOTE Attendance at the NZFC event is limited and entry is by RSVP only to