PRIDE is a comedic adaptation of the true story of a group of LGBT activists raising funds for small town Welsh families affected by the U.K Miner Strikes of 1984. Initial tension between the groups is overcome as they collaborate to support struggling families and fight discrimination. Check out the trailer here.
Where: Capitol Cinema, 610 Dominion Road, Balmoral
When: Sunday 12 October, Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30 start
Why: Because this film is amazing and so is supporting your Auckland Women's Centre
This event is part of The Auckland fundraising activities, to ensure its continued support for the empowerment of women. To buy tickets, call 09 376 3227 or or pop into the Women's Bookshop at 105 Ponsonby Road (cash only).
Tickets will cost $20 for admission or $25 for admission plus a glass of wine or ice cream. Doors open at 7pm and the film will be screened at 7.30pm.